Sunday, August 9, 2009


The Mansaka warrior’s food


The Lyurot or Lurot is a unique food of the Mansaka tribe of Maragusan, Compostela Valley. It is food cooked in bamboo.

In the past, in the heydays of the Matikadong and the Baganis and before the arrival of the Spaniards and migrants from Luzon and the Visayas, cooking of this exotic food was strictly a warrior’s task. The reason is now shrouded by time.

Understandably, it is a food specialty that does not deteriorate and could last for some four days, making it convenient for a warrior to bring for nourishment on a long hunt in the forests or marching with other warriors to raid a rival tribal camp.

A special food, in the past it was cooked using herbs found in the forests. Today, though, the food is cooked with salt and spices.

The main part is pork, venison, or poultry meat. The best parts, like the heart, kidney, and other delicious organs are given to the matikadong or the baganis who have the choice to share them with anyone.


Two (2) sections of cut young bamboo (Tambuhong bagakay species)

Meat (poultry, pork, or venison)


Ganda (wild spring onion)

Babayna (wild mint herb)

Karawag (Young leaf of the turmeric plant)

Tanglad (lemon grass)

Kalapi leaves (Wild aromatic palm)

Salt (optional)

Spices (optional)

Cooking pork lyurot for 4-6 people

Prepare two (2) sections of cut young bamboo, preferably the bagakay variety, measuring about two feet long.

Pound a handful of ganda and another handful of babayna. Place them in respective small bowls and set aside.

Mince pork.

Mash karawag and tanglad lightly just enough to soften the leaves.

Take some of the mashed ganda and babayna and load the mixture first at the base inside of the bamboo.

Mix the minced meat with some of the mashed ganda, babayna, karawag, and tanglad, wrap the mixture with the kalapi leaves and insert it into the bamboo.

Seal the mouth of the bamboo with another mixture of ganda, babayna, and karawag.

Do the same with the remaining ingredients.

Broil the two sealed bamboo tubes on a prepared fire, turning it from time to time to avoid burning and for uniform cooking.

Broiling should take at least 15 minutes.

Once cooked, unload the food into a large platter.

Serve the food hot with nyumbul (rice cooked also in bamboo) and bya-is (native beverage).

Good for 4-6 people.


The same process is used for cooking poultry. The dressed chicken is cut cleanly and in big chunks. Cook the sliced meat along with the gizzards, the liver, heart, and other organs.




Tyabidak is a native Mansaka food cooked especially for its revitalizing and nourishing effects on the body. It is a cooked mixture of rice, the native tuber gabi, native tomatoes, native spring onion, tanglad, karawag leaf, pandan leaf, ginger, and hot chili.

This soup-like food helps keep the Mansaka warm at night especially in their mountain and forest communities.


1-1/2 chupaks (cups) rice

One (1) litre water

¼ kg native tomatoe

Gabi tops (10 pieces)

Karamonaynay (babayna)

5 pcs. chili

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